Data sources in digi.me all follow a structure beginning with Service Group (Social, Health & Fitness, Financial, etc), Service (specific connectors like Facebook, Twitter, EMIS Health), and Objects.
Data is collected from each service API and normalised into a common global format. Normalised data objects from digi.me provide a single object model which means that user data is always stored in a consistent format irrespective of the data source.
ID | Name |
200 | Account |
302 | Achievement |
300 | Activity |
140 | Address |
127 | AllergyIntolerance |
226 | Amount |
236 | AssetClassification |
211 | Attribute |
225 | BankTransferCode |
306 | BodyCompositionSummary |
59 | Channel |
7 | Comment |
177 | Composition |
128 | Condition |
209 | ContainerAttributesType |
221 | Coordinates |
241 | Coverage |
301 | DailyActivitySummary |
212 | Dataset |
234 | Description |
134 | DiagnosticReport |
29 | Document |
220 | |
136 | Encounter |
186 | EpisodeOfCare |
304 | EpochSummary |
131 | FamilyMemberHistory |
227 | FullAccountNumberList |
228 | HistoricalBalances |
229 | Holder |
237 | Holdings |
116 | Identifier |
129 | Immunization |
10 | Like |
230 | LoanPayoffDetails |
1 | Media |
12 | MediaAlbum |
137 | MedicationDispense |
130 | MedicationRequest |
138 | MedicationStatement |
235 | Merchant |
217 | Money |
307 | MoveIqSummary |
215 | Name |
132 | Observation |
231 | PaymentBankTransferCode |
232 | PaymentProfile |
218 | PhoneNumber |
406 | PlayHistory |
403 | Playlist |
2 | Post |
167 | Practitioner |
214 | Preferences |
133 | Procedure |
19 | Profile |
19 | Profile |
213 | Provider |
223 | ProviderAccount |
233 | RewardBalance |
404 | SavedAlbum |
405 | SavedTrack |
240 | Securities |
303 | Sleep |
15 | SocialNetworkUser |
238 | Statement |
242 | StockExchangeDetails |
305 | StressSummary |
201 | Transaction |